Friday, November 7, 2008

Dont buy electronics at clicks

I recently bought portable speakers at clicks. The day I bought them some guy was returning a small cd player.
Litle did I knoe that within a week I' d be returning the portable speakers they just didn't sound right.
Well today i wanted another mp3 player cause the one i bought just seized to function.
I just felt like warning people about CLICKS.

Dont buy electronics at clicks

I recently bought portable speakers at clicks. The day I bought them some guy was returning a small cd player.
Litle did I knoe that within a week I' d be returning the portable speakers they just didn't sound right.
Well today i wanted another mp3 player cause the one i bought just seized to function.
I just felt like warning people about CLICKS.

Dont buy electronics at clicks

I recently bought portable speakers at clicks. The day I bought them some guy was returning a small cd player.
Litle did I knoe that within a week I' d be returning the portable speakers they just didn't sound right.
Well today i wanted another mp3 player cause the one i bought just seized to function.
I just felt like warning people about CLICKS.